Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Vacancy as The Knowledge Management Technical Specialist/Librarian

A join program from government to
government which goal is increase the rate of poverty reduction in Indonesia
and reduce the impact of shocks and stresses on the poor and vulnerable, is now
currently in high need to recruit  a  highly motivated professional  to take the challenge in the capacity as:

BaKTI-PEACH Communications Assistant, Makassar

Yayasan BaKTI
Terms of References
PEACH Communications  Assistant


1.    Eastern Indonesia faces significant development challenges. In terms
of investment climate, service delivery, governance and the local
economy, most eastern provinces under perform against the nation as a

Vacancies at Mercy Corps - Maluku Based

ue chain (farmers, exporters and traders),
supporting markets, and the enabling environment (government cooperation).  These include increasing production and
quality at the farm level, improving buyers’ business practices so that they
are more inclusive of the poor and provide needed-sustainable support to
farmers, increased access to national and international markets by nutmeg and
clove exporters, and improving the policy Enabling Environment.

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - Field Officer for Production/ Distillation

Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has
been implementing rural livelihoods development activities in Aceh Jaya
district since 2005 after finalizing emergency phase of the post tsunami
relief. Livelihood field became soon a core activity of CCR in Aceh. For more than 4 years CCR
has been providing long term support for the victims of tsunami in the fields
of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquacultures (all sub districts of Aceh Jaya

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - Project Officer for Coopertive and Microfinance

Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has
been implementing rural livelihoods development activities in Aceh Jaya
district since 2005 after finalizing emergency phase of the post tsunami
relief. Livelihood field became soon a core activity of CCR in Aceh. For more than 4 years CCR
has been providing long term support for the victims of tsunami in the fields
of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquacultures (all sub districts of Aceh Jaya

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - Finance/ Admin Assistant

Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has
been implementing rural livelihoods development activities in Aceh Jaya
district since 2005 after finalizing emergencyphase of the post tsunami
relief. Livelihood field became soon a core activity of CCR in Aceh. For more than 4 years CCR
has been providing long term support for the victims of tsunami in the fields
of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquacultures (all sub districts of Aceh Jaya

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - Field Officer for Cooperative and Microfinance

Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has
been implementing rural livelihoods development activities in Aceh Jaya
district since 2005 after finalizing emergencyphase of the post tsunami
relief. Livelihood field became soon a core activity of CCR in Aceh. For more than 4 years CCR
has been providing long term support for the victims of tsunami in the fields
of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquacultures (all sub districts of Aceh Jaya

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - District Coordinator readvertise

Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has
been implementing rural livelihoods development activities in Aceh Jaya
district since 2005 after finalizing emergencyphase of the post tsunami
relief. Livelihood field became soon a core activity of CCR in Aceh. For more than 4 years CCR
has been providing long term support for the victims of tsunami in the fields
of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquacultures (all sub districts of Aceh Jaya

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - Admin/IT Assistant readvertise may 2012

Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has
been implementing rural livelihoods development activities in Aceh Jaya
district since 2005 after finalizing emergencyphase of the post tsunami
relief. Livelihood field became soon a core activity of CCR in Aceh. For more than 4 years CCR
has been providing long term support for the victims of tsunami in the fields
of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquacultures (all sub districts of Aceh Jaya

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - Assessment Admin / Translator

Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has been implementing rural
livelihoods development activities in Indonesia district since 2005. CCR’s
livelihood projects focus on agriculture, agroforestry and / or aquaculture.
Most of CCR’s livelihood projects have taken place in Aceh Province.

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - Senior Assessment Officer

Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has
been implementing rural livelihoods development activities in Indonesia
district since 2005.

CCR’s livelihood projects focus on agriculture,
agroforestry and / or aquaculture. Most of CCR’s livelihood projects have taken
place in Aceh Province.

Seeking Institutional Specialist

Institutional Specialist

Chemonics seeks an institutional specialist for an anticipated
USAID-funded assessment of biodiversity and tropical forestry
conservation needs and for the purpose of complying with section 118
and 119 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The assessment will
propose recommendations on where USAID comparative advantages and

Seeking Biodiversity Specialist

Biodiversity Specialist

Chemonics seeks a biodiversity specialist for an anticipated
USAID-funded assessment of biodiversity and tropical forestry
conservation needs for the purpose of complying with section 118 and
119 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The assessment will propose
recommendations on where USAID comparative advantages and capabilities